SAC:s stöd i Lagenakonflikten i ASR # 52

I den amerikanska syndikalistiska tidskriften ASR (Anarcho Syndicalist Review) nr 52 2009 uppmärksammades DFSA:s stöd i Lagenakonflikten. Följande är ett utdrag ur artikeln med rubriken "SAC backs wildcat against casualization":
"Workers in the warehouse for the swedish states alcohol monopoly Systembolaget held a wildcat strike in response to managemant attempts to replace the workforce with temporary workers. Management has been trying for a long time to replace the workers with casualized workers on short-term contracts, but now they are using the recession as an excuse for laying off workers, while they continue to hire agency staff. The workers refused to return to work and have been joined in their strike by supporters from the local branch of SAC"