Systembolaget på plats i Sydafrika - Upp till bevis!

Systembolagets CSR-delegation, den första i sitt slag, är nu på plats i Sydafrika för att inspektera arbets- och levnadsvillkor på de vingårdar som av tidningen Råd och Rön beskrivits som omänskliga.

För att se till att besöket inte blir verkningslöst och symboliskt har DFSA förmedlat kontaktuppgifter till de berörda vinarbetarnas fackförening Sikhula  Sonke (Vi växer tillsammans), så att Systembolagets representanter har möjlighet att höra direkt från de berörda arbetarna om problemen. Att bara möta vinproducenterna skulle inte förbättra situationen. Det som Råd och Rön avslöjat är bl.a. att fackföreningarna har svårt att få tillgång till vingårdarna, något som Systembolaget som en av världens största inköpare skulle kunna ändra på.

Systembolagets presschef Lennart Agén har idag vidarebefordrat kontaktupgifterna till Sikhula Sonke till CSR-delegationen. Agén har också uppmanat delegationen att ta kontakt med det sydafrikanska facket Sikhula Sonke. Nu återstår att se om Systembolaget menar allvar med sin resa. DFSA fortsätter hålla kontakt med Sikhula Sonkes generalsekreterare Wendy Pekeur och Systembolagets presschef.

Fotnot: CSR är en förkortning av Corporate Social Responsibility, och innebär att företagen ska ta ett etiskt, socialt och miljömässigt ansvar inom sin verksamhet.

Så här skriver Sikhula Sonke till DFSA:

Dear Comrades.

Thanks for your messages of support. We would love to have a meeting
with Systembolaget; Delheim is not the only farm supplying Systembolaget.
There are many others and farm workers in most cases only receive the
bare minimum, no social protection, poor wages, evictions etc. For
seasonal/contract workers (mostly women) on farms it is much worse,
no job security, no social protection, no paid maternity leave, no
protective clothing when exposed to pesticides, when it rain you do
not work and theirs no income. For a greater part of the year they are
at home without income.

We believe that decent work is crucial in alleviating poverty. All the
above is not decent work. Monopolies like Systembolaget, TESCO,
Asda etc should ensure that workers and dwellers (retired workers,
pensioners) are enjoying the fruit of what they produce and that
should include a living wage, job security, social protection, health
benefits, safe workplace environment and tenure security.

Yours in solidarity
Wendy Pekeur
General secretary
Sikhula Sonke

och vidare:

Dear Comrade

We are very gratefull for your support and its good to know that the
unions over the globe are joining hands in solidarity to ensure that
the most vulnerable group, the farm workers and farm dwellers
voices are heard. And its like a dream come true.

It is not nice watching how farm people human rights are being violated
and how some are treated after all the years their offered in building
and ensuring the wealth of the farms their worked and still live on.

We believe in equality, dignity, decent lives, decent work, decent living
wage and acknowledgement. It is the farm worker that feed the nation,
but yet their are the ones that still went to bed hungry, being put out on
the streets fragile after all the years off service no where to go.

It will also be great if their could talk to the people that was
interviewed by the Danish journalist on Delheim to see if anything
has change ever since the article in February 2009. There were
a few international visits on Delheim and their was never taken
to the people that where interviewed cause their are the people
suffering the most on Delheim. I'm talking about people that
are retired workers(pensionists) and workers declared
disable by the doctor because of work injuries.

Comrade we will welcome Systembolaget visit and hpe they will meet
with us ans as you've mentioned they have to talk to the right people
or the trip will become just another show.

Thanks for your support comrades.

Aluta Continua!
Patricia Dyata
Sikhula sonke

Yours Comradely


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